Sometimes it's hard to figure out what I'd like to do, either short or long term, so in those times I like to think about myself as a cartoon character. Starting a blog feels stupid and kinda needlessly contrarian, but I think if I were an animated character, I'd like for that character to have a little website that they design and post scatterbrained thoughts to, which means I have no choice but to oblige in the real world.

Over the past year I've been really obsessed with the idea of animating and creating worlds, but I barely know how to draw and animation feels like another beast entirely. I'm gonna figure it out this summer, though! I've learned the smallest bit of blender and I have some ideas I've been really stoked about. I've already gotten ahead of myself with some overly ambitious ideas, as I tend to do, but I've broken those down into more reasonable pieces and now I'm trying my best to actually stick the landing.